TBI Funds for YOU

The Funds for You program is funded in full by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities.  It is overseen by the WV TB/SCI Rehabilitation Fund Board.   

  • Funds for You is available to residents of West Virginia with traumatic brain injury/spinal cord injury(TBI/SCI) to promote increased independence.
  • Funds for You is a payer of last resort, to be used after all other funding options have been exhausted.
  • Funds for You may be requested for as little as $50 or as much as $2,300 depending on need.
  • Applications can come from people with TBI/SCI and family members on their behalf.
  • Funds for You may be available for purchasing:    
    • Durable medical equipment
    • Assistive technology/Assistive Technology Assessments
    • Therapy and Therapeutic Services
    • Medical / dental / vision services and supplies
    • Case management
    • Family support services
    • Attendant care
    • Home accessibility modifications
    • Start Up Funds
    • Other items/services as approved by the TB/SCI Rehabilitation Fund Board
  • Funds for You applicants with a TBI will need to be referred to the TBI program if they are not a current client. Our online referral form can be found here:

    Referral Form

    Applicants with an SCI should instead call our toll free number at 877-724-8244 or email TBI@hsc.wvu.edu

  • A TBI/SCI Social Worker will assist you in the FFY process, as well as provide resource coordination to help individuals with TBI/SCI get connected to services.
  • Funds for You checks are issued directly to the vendor.
  • An appeal process is available if your application is denied.  
TBI/SCI Funds for You Policy

TBI/SCI Funds for You Step by Step Guide

  Funds for You Application

Submit application:
Traumatic Brain Injury Program
    959 Hartman Run Road
Morgantown, WV 26505

Please contact 877-724-8244 for more information on the Funds for You program, eligibility requirements and information that must accompany your application.