Notice of Public Meetings - Please attend at least one of these online meetings to be sure that your needs as a person with a TBI, caregiver/family member of a person with a TBI, and/or professional that works with individuals with TBI in West Virginia are being met.
The Center for Excellence in Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury Program, in cooperation with the West Virginia Bureau of Behavioral Health is conducting public meetings to share data gathered for our TBI Needs Assessment, as well as receive input from the TBI community regarding their needs within the state of West Virginia.
Meetings were originally scheduled to be held in person, but due to the Coronavirus recommendations on public gatherings these will now be conducted remotely with ZOOM. Please see the login information for each meeting and join us online or by phone.
Northern WV Congressional District Public Meeting:
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Time: 11:00 am
Location: Morgantown, WV
Log In information: Zoom -
Central WV Congressional District Public Meeting:
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Charleston, WV
Log In information: Zoom -
Southern WV Congressional District Public Meeting:
Date: Friday, May 22, 2020
Time: 1:00 pm
Location: Beckley, WV
Log In information: Join Zoom
Web Address for All Meetings: d=ZnRzZ2lUU1lqZndsdTZib0V5TDBOQT09
Password: TBIneed1
Phone: (646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 288 942 7607

TBI Needs Assessment Surveys and comments on the Needs Assessment are welcome. Written comments should include the commenter’s name, mailing address, organizational affiliation (if relevant), telephone number, and email address (if applicable).
Completed surveys, written comments, and feedback may be submitted by mail or email and should be addressed to: WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Program
959 Hartman Run Rd
Morgantown, WV 26505
A copy of the needs assessment survey can be accessed here at: or by mail by contacting Miranda Talkington. Alternate formats can also be made available by request.
To request a copy of the needs assessment, assistance with completing the survey, or for more information, contact or call 304-293-4692 or 304-290-7412.