The West Virginia Traumatic Brain Injury Registry has the dual purpose of capturing injury data and enhancing services to survivors. The registry is written into WV Code §18-10A-15.

§18-10A-15. Establishment of a central registry of traumatic head injury; acute care facility required to report head injury.

(a) The Center for Excellence in Disabilities shall maintain a central registry of persons who sustain severe head injury other than through disease, whether or not permanent disability results, in order to facilitate the provision of appropriate services through referral and collaboration with the division and other state agencies for such persons.

(b) The current acute care facility shall report to the Center for Excellence in Disabilities by the most expeditious means within seven days after identification of any person sustaining such an injury. The report shall contain the name and residence of the person and the name of the current acute care facility.

The registry is managed by James Akkidas, an epidemiologist specializing in traumatic brain injury. For more information on the registry or to request data on traumatic brain injury, please contact James as